Since its inception in 2000, CLEAR Services has undertaken projects for a wide range of clients. This has included work carried out by Nick Cooke for the consultancy division of Charities Aid Foundation and a 3 year assignment as independent Executive Chairman of Scotland’s leading organic farming certification body. Nick has helped to establish three new NGOs and served as a Trustee, Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer in eight charities. He has served on the SCVO Policy Committee and other national bodies. He also acts as Independent Financial Examiner to several local charities in central Scotland and is a Fellow of the RSA.

Nick’s approach to consultancy work is based on defined aims, processes and outputs of a given project, agreed and advance with the client carried out under a specific budget over a fixed period. The work undertaken may include negotiation of external grant funding from third parties and production of reports or publications. Assignments are carried out principally in Scotland, but also elsewhere in the UK or overseas. Typically, a project will cover the development of new services or activities and the establishment or re-structuring of a client organisation, including monitoring and evaluation of the outputs achieved.

    Get in Touch With Us

    To find out more about the services I offer, please contact me by telephone on 01786 841 809, e-mail, letter or fill out the form below.